Sunday, April 3, 2011

This king single sized quilt has just been quilted by a friend for me.

Inspired by Ricky Timms' convergance quilts, I pieced the background of curves, before cutting it into strips, and inserting a sequence of strips of this gorgeous Robert Haufman "Geisha" fabric.

I have to admit that it took a bit of courage to cut into the pieced background, not quite knowing how it would work out! vbg

I have included some of my dyed fabrics in the background, as the orange tones are Rita's favourite.

Happy birthday, Rita


  1. OMGoodness! Everything here on this blog is so, so gorgeous! I miss ribbon embroidering and must get back to it.


  2. Awesome quilt!

    I did not see an email link in your profile. I wanted to invite you to a show I am hosting on my blog.
    Crazy Quilts Are Quilts Too Show!
    Where: Pig Tales and Quilts!
    When: Feb 1 - 15, 2012
    Prizes - YES!
    I will be showcasing all Crazy Quilters who wish to participate in this show right here on my blog starting Feb 1, 2012 and running through Feb 15th!

    There are 4 parts to the show:
    The Linking Party
    The Competition
    The Voting
    Prize awards


    I am still working on prizes but I wanted to list the prizes that have been procured at this moment! The fabulous prize sponsors so far include:

    Maureen Greeson of Maureen's Vintage Acquisitions - 100.00 gift certificate to her shop!

    Carole and Marilyn of Flights of Fancy - 100.00 gift certificate to her shop!

    Thearica Burroughs of Cover Your Little Piggies - 100.00 gift certificate to my shop!

    Carolyn Cibik of Evening Star Designs - 75.00 gift certificate to her shop!

    Nancy Eha of Bead Creative - 75.00 prize bundle from her shop

    Nicki Seavey of Raviolee Dreams - 50.00 gift certificate to her shop!

    Shelia of Artemis Silk Ribbon - Prize unknown at the moment

    Jenny Friske of Divine Spark Designs - prize unknown at the moment

    Victoria Clayton of Hand Dyed Fibers -
    27.00 merchandise bundle for competition - 2 ribbon assortments! Winners choice!

    I have a few more prize sponsors yet to decide and will update the list should they agree.

    Otherwise, the prizes shown will be put in to prize bundles so that at the very least, 4 prizes will be awarded!

    For more information, please come to my blog:
