Thursday, March 11, 2010

Another block finished in a Seams only DYB. Tried to stay with the gentler colours. Have used silks mostly including hand dyed threads and ribbons.

Am trying to master the rosette stitch in this DYB, as well as keeping up with lacing hand-dyed thread through a stitched seam. I can;t help finishing off with silk ribbon embroidery, as I love doing this.
The buttonhole wavey seam is one from Carole Samples "Treasury of Crazy stitches".


  1. Alison, these are all lovely... can't wait to see mine as well.
    cheers - FDS

  2. Looking good...wish I was not so snowed under with "the other quilting"
    These look great.

  3. Just love your work....I'm flat out trying to get to my machine to patchwork, but I do admire your artistry. Maybe one day...dream...sigh..
    Rainbow smiles... Gloria
